Social Wellness Month: July 2023

Social Wellness

Social Wellness and Why it Matters

July is Social Wellness month, and after living through a worldwide pandemic, let’s take advantage of opportunities for socializing! It is so important to recognize the need for Social Wellness, especially for Older Americans who experienced so much isolation during the Covid pandemic. Studies have found that people who stay social tend to live longer, have healthier cardiovascular systems, and respond better to stress. Ways to practice social wellness can include planting in your neighborhood garden, joining a gym or exercise group, or going out for coffee with a friend. Let us know how you practice Social Wellness!

Other notable celebrations in the month of July include…

-Independence Day, July 4

-Disability Pride Month

-Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

-Plastic Free July

“July was named in honor of Julius Caesar. Quintilis, which was his birth month, was renamed July when he died. Quintilis means “fifth month” in Latin, which represents where this month originally fell in the Roman calendar.”

Learn more about the history of previous months here.

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