Celebrate Diversity this April
April was designated as Celebrate Diversity month in 2004 in order to educate and demonstrate the value of understanding the racial and cultural differences of our citizens. This is an acknowledgment of the differences in race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, disabilities, religion, and socio-economic status. The highlighting of these differences serves to kick off conversations that promote the necessary acceptance of all kinds of people, and to generate a vision of celebration and empathy. Check out the April 2022 Diversity Calendar for more insight and resources.
Other notable days from the month of April include…
4/2 – World Autism Day – Focusing on the acceptance and understanding of those with Autism
4/4 – Easter – Major Christian Holiday
4/8 – Buddha’s Birth – A day of celebration and reflection for Buddhists
4/12 – Ramadan – First day of Islam’s most sacred month
4/22 – Earth Day – A reflection for environmental advocacy and the celebration of our planet
4/23-24 – A Gathering of Nations – Native American tribes come together to celebrate traditions and cultures
“April is named after the Roman word for second, ‘aprilis’, the second month of the Roman Year.”
Learn more about the history of previous months here.